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So why am I writing a blog?


















I am not a race winning, record breaking runner with great training tips to share. 

I am not an adventurer with incredible stories to tell.

I am not fighting against long odds or battling some unthinkable troubles.

I am not even doing anything particularly special, at least not yet.

In truth I am a very lucky, average man who was blessed with an easy start. I have a great home-life and a good job that allows me to indulge in my hobby of running. 

Like many runners, lacing up the trainers is not just about keeping fit. It's a three to five times weekly therapy session shaking those pesky thoughts about until they settle into a more sensible order. It's a great social fix, meeting up with old and new friends for a hard training session or long easy run. You share in each other’s successes and failures and runners are, almost exclusively, incredible people. Surrounding yourself with these kind, generous, driven attitudes rubs off, as does the sense of adventure harbored by many of them. Of course, competition comes into it, but mostly with me, the course and the clock. As much as I would love to compete at a high level, a balanced life and making sure I enjoy my running always comes first.

For me, enjoying my running has taken me away from the roads in the last few years and more into the hills. Growing up every holiday involved hiking and spending time outdoors and I always feel the draw to be in the countryside. After a few years living in, an admittedly small, city the draw was getting stronger and I have found fell running to be the perfect antidote to a desk job and concrete living.

I am also very lucky with where I live, I can put on my shoes, head out my door and be running through woodland in less than 3 miles having barely been next to any roads to get there. If I get in my car I can be on my way up an almost deserted Northumberland peak or running along a beautiful stretch of coastline in under an hour.


So, to my opening question, "Why am I writing a blog?" well the answer is simple really, I enjoy running, I enjoy writing and I decided that I wanted to try something new and combine to two.


The real question is, given my astonishing average-ness, is why are you reading it?

Nepal Impact Marathon 2019
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